A live-action adaptation of the popular work "A Hot Spring Is Flowing" by Koshiyama Yosai, a seeker of sexy, voluptuous mature women! The frustrated proprietress Izumi is faithfully portrayed by the glamorous J-cup Kusakabe Kana! Shotaro, who works part-time at the bathhouse run by the voluptuous Izumi, can't resist her erotic body and devours her as he desires, cumming inside her! However, Izumi herself continues to act as if nothing happened the next day... The sequel, which was so popular that it was requested by readers, has also been faithfully adapted into a live-action version! There are also original live-action episodes!
URE-109 The series has exceeded 120,000 downloads in total!! Original work: Echiyama Yosai A hot spring is gushing out! A sequel depicting a plump bikini FUCK, "A hot spring is gushing out, po~n" & an original episode with live action only h
24 May, 2024