The 22nd installment of the series, which combines the various facial expressions of Eastern European beautiful girls with Japanese eros, is the first appearance of "Anna.C", whose clear eyes are irresistible with pure white soft skin. If you think that you were surprised by the begging gaze of your upper eyes, you can squeeze in the glare of a smile that smiles with a carefree smile like everyone's sister character, and the expression of the ever-changing limbs! I put it all in! !! From the sweet atmosphere of cosplay reminiscent of candy-type idols, the small devil bondage, the classic volleyball, the bondage play, and the squirming brushes that wriggle with Sawasawa, the staff dressed as metamorphosis coaches run wild! The series is packed with various expressions that are rare! Please enjoy the fetish world view that weaves the beauty unique to Eastern European beautiful girls with costumes centered on cosplay and wearing eroticism produced by Japanese staff. [* This work is an image video]
JTDK-022 Anna.C / TOKYODOLL White girl gravure Anna.C - Anna.c
17 Apr, 2020