Aoi Mizuki, aka Sailor Water Hermes, and Armani Masked Shin Domei, who defeated the demons and felt a momentary peace, meet Angel Blazer Amami Kokone, who fights against enemies called mad beasts. Seeing this beautiful and strong female warrior made Aoi Mizuki jealous, and Shindomei fascinated. From that moment on, the battle between Sailor Water Hermes Aoi Mizuki and Angel Blazer Amami Kokone began. The Armani-masked Shin Doumei tries to stop the two from fighting over him, but it was easy for the Demon Clan's commander-in-chief, Groizer, to take advantage of the opening in his heart. The Commander-in-Chief Guroiser, who has captured Sailor Water Hermes and Pure Heart Senki Angel Blazer, falls to them, enjoys sex, and falls into Acme Hell. was…! [BAD END]
GHOV-046 Beautiful Saint Warrior Sailor Water Hermes & Junshin Senki Angel Blazer ~Pretty Soldier Fallen in Love Rival's Trap~
1 Aug, 2024