An embarrassing story where a school life full of friendship and youth collapses! A live-action adaptation of the hit work of the popular circle STUDIO Fuan! Udo, a big man with a weak head but a gentle and kind heart, naturally misunderstands the meaning of his best friend Haruki's saying, "If you have a girl you like, your feelings will go up!" Udo, who thinks Les Pu is normal SEX, repeatedly pokes Akane with an unmatched cock and stirs. And Akane fell into the pleasure of a big dick. Collaboration with popular doujin works! Click here for the original doujin work "Udo ``Akane feels good when you rap many times.''"
NIMA-018 A live-action version of the shocking blockbuster doujin comic! Udo "Akane Feels Good When playd Many Times." Mei Satsuki
14 Jul, 2023