The 12th installment of the long-running series from Hajime Kikaku! This time, we pick up four happy married couples on the street! They need money to lead a happy married life, so they try out a game of how they first met and win a prize if they clear it! But it's actually a cruel NTR game where the wife is cuckolded right in front of their eyes through a magic mirror! If you answer the quiz about how the couple first met, which only the husband and wife know, correctly, you'll get a prize! If you get it wrong, you'll have to take off the wife's clothes one by one! A sexy man with a big dick seduces a married woman who is dissatisfied with her nighttime activities with her husband! Will the couple be able to complete the mission?
HJMO-652 If you lose the cruel mirror game, you get an erotic punishment game. These young wives with big dicks that they've never experienced before have creampie sex even when their husbands are right next to them! Some young wives even ask for a h