Ai-chan is a 20-year-old female college student who resembles Kirara Asuka, who is currently at the top of the AV industry and continues to be active at the forefront. This word alone will tell you how cute Ai-chan is. It is the first time I have met a girl who is so similar to her, not only in looks but also in her tone of speech and laughter. I have actually worked with Kirara Asuka, so when I met Ai-chan, I had a strange feeling that I can't describe. Kirara Asuka certainly has many fans, both male and female, so I wondered if Ai-chan was also a fan, and when I asked her, she surprisingly said, "I'm sorry, I don't watch AV that much... But men often say the same thing to me. I've always wondered what kind of person she is, so I'll look into it next time." It seems that she doesn't know. Apparently, she's been wearing the latest fashionable makeup. Kirara Asuka is certainly at the forefront (lol) It's not surprising that women all over the world wear the same makeup. Well, Ai-chan looks good in that floral one-piece dress, which really brings out her cuteness. Just looking at her is so cute that it makes my heart beat faster. And I thought I might do something naughty with her...♪ So I interviewed her about naughty things. Ai-chan's first experience was when she was in the third year of junior high school, and she had sex with her boyfriend, who was a year older than her at the time, in his room. And apparently his mother was in the next room at the time, so she was nervous. I know how you feel. Even I used to worry about whether someone would come into my room when I masturbated at home (lol). We're all the same. But now she doesn't have a boyfriend, so she hasn't had sex in a while. When she gets horny, she comforts herself by imagining sex in a drama-like way. It's such a wasteful story. If she's as cute as Ai-chan, I want her to be my girlfriend right now (lol). With that feeling in my heart, I had fun with Ai-chan today pretending to be her boyfriend ♪ Thanks to that, I ended up cumming a lot on her (lol). Speaking of which, Ai-chan is apparently told she has a baby face without makeup, so next time I'd like to be photographed with that baby face and cute voice ♪
SIRO-1056 Amateur personal photography, posting. 136