Kyou, who attends a famous women's college in Tokyo, is a magical girl who belongs to Tenisa (Yarisa ww)! I love sex and want to do it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! Paripi girls who hate mend and live in the sea! "It might be a vocation to have sex!" Appearance is OK like a part-time job! !! If it feels good, it's okay to fuck! !! "Because the sperm that was put out is a drinker", every drop of sperm from a sloppy Ossan is cum swallowing! !! I have lifted the ban on vaginal cum shot & cum swallowing with a light paste! !!
BLK-349 "AV is easier than cabaret ww" AV appearance like a free time active female college student part-time job! !! Cum swallowing OK debut! !! Kyou-chan