Megumi Makimura, who lives in Toshima Ward, is 37 years old and is the mother of two children who have been married for 10 years. Megumi, who works part-time at a curry shop during the day, is urged by director Fukagawa, who often comes to eat there, to perform this time. At first I was worried, but when I saw the DVD that was given to me by the director who enthusiastically called out to me many times, I was surprised to see the women who appeared were having sex very lively. "I want to enjoy myself like that." Recently, he has been lonely because he has been less active with his husband and is rarely treated as a woman. "I would like to take the opportunity to reconsider my way of life as a woman." I took the time to attack the body in front of my forties, and made it delicious. Please enjoy it! !!
JRZD-858 First Shooting Married Woman Document Megumi Makimura